The Seduction of educational nostalgia
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history of education
classroom climate
moral concepts

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The Seduction of educational nostalgia. (2024). Revista Pensadero: Conocimiento Docente, 2, 113-126.


The social perception of our educational reality, especially with regard to younger generations (their knowledge and skills, social ways and behaviour, discipline, tendency to effort, etc.) is frequently placed in a pessimistic position that points towards social decline and the dire future. However, looking back and scrutinizing history from a scientific perspective, as well as an analysis of the available data beyond this discouraging story, can show us a more prosaic reality. A reality that is configured into a traceable constant as far as written records reach. Youth is, in essence, as it has always been. The distorted image of our present that is projected responds to a series of cognitive biases well studied in scientific literature, among which nostalgic retrospective stands out. This understandable and radically human perception draws a mythological image of the past, especially the most recent one, plausible but incorrect. As an ultimate result, a response of moral panic is unleashed that closes the circle and feeds back into the system. In order to perform effectively and efficiently in socio-educational realities, it is necessary to seek higher levels of objectivity, taking a certain distance and assuming that our present is not, perhaps, as rosy as we would like, but not as black as it is regularly portrayed.

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