Career guidance in Spain: A secondary analysis from PISA 2018
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School Career guidance
equal opportunities
PISA 2018
educational policies

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Career guidance in Spain: A secondary analysis from PISA 2018. (2023). Revista Pensadero: Conocimiento Docente, 1, 80-101.


International research has provided evidence regarding the impact of vocational guidance in the schools on socio-economic variables in adulthood, as well as its potential to compensate for inequalities. In this study, an empirical analysis of this problem has been carried out on Spain and its autonomous communities and cities, with the following objectives (a) Determine the degree of alignment between the professional expectations of 15-year-old students and those of the education necessary to make them come true. (b) Evaluate, in comparative terms, the degree of effectiveness of the professional guidance work-related. (c) Analyze the structures for career guidance in Spain. For this, an adequate exploitation of the PISA 2018 database has been carried out, using descriptive statistics procedures and taking into account the socioeconomic and cultural status of the students. The main results have shown: (a) a significant variation between territories in the percentage of socio-economically disadvantaged students hoping to complete tertiary education; (b) a confusion of students between what they professionally aspire to and the studies they hope to pursue to achieve it, which is highly conditioned by their socio-economic level and by the territory; (c) a career guidance system that favours socio-economically advantaged students. The main conclusion to be drawn from the study is to postulate the strengthening of the vocational component of the school guidance system in Spain.

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