Don't give up: a Service-Learning experience to fight early school leaving
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dropping out
adult education
civic education

How to Cite

Don’t give up: a Service-Learning experience to fight early school leaving. (2023). Revista Pensadero: Conocimiento Docente, 1, 40-54.


'Don't give up' is a pilot project of Service-Learning developed during the present school year 2021-2022 in the public secondary school Tomás de Iriarte, in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, leaded by the initiative of the Department of Philosophy. More than 120 people have been engaged in the project, belonging to different seondary and adult education groups. One is the basis which enables to create the present teaching practice: knowledge and experiencie of the adult students may be advantageous to prevent secondary education students from early school leaving. The dropout rate rises high numbers in the Ofra-Costa Sur district where the school is based, turning into a chronic problem within the neigbourhood. Our teaching experience aims to offer an altermative response to this perceived problem through the implementation of the Service-Learnimg methodology in order to weave a network against early school leaving which impacts on teenage students as the time it strengthens communicative, social and citizenship competences of the adult learners who have taken back their superior studies.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Isabel Barandiarán


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